Ipswich Pet and Aquarium
Shop In Store
7 Hooper street, West Ipswich, 7 QLD 4305, Australia
Shop In Store
7 Hooper street, West Ipswich, 7 QLD 4305, Australia
Trading Hours
Mon to Fri: 8:00AM to 5:00PM Sat: 8:00AM to 4:00PM Sun: 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Trading Hours
Mon to Fri: 8AM to 5PM Sat: 8AM to 4PM Sun: 9AM to 2PM
Australian owned & operated
Australian owned
& operated
1910 - Celebrating 111 years
Celebrating 111 years
Australian owned & operated
Australian owned & operated
1910 - Celebrating 111 years
Celebrating 111 years
Ipswich Pet & Aquarium
This page is available at https://www.ipswichpetaquarium.com.au/Pets-for-Sale/Fish/Octopi.html

Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra

Price: $16.00
4 for $16.00 Most popular of the tetra species
The Neon Tetra is the most popular of the tetra species, their popularity comes from the bright colours and schooling nature. Tetras are the most common type of fish found in South America after catfish. Their name is commonly used for a large group of fish characterised by the presence of a small adipose fin between their dorsal and caudal fin.
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