Ipswich Pet and Aquarium
Shop In Store
7 Hooper street, West Ipswich, 7 QLD 4305, Australia
Shop In Store
7 Hooper street, West Ipswich, 7 QLD 4305, Australia
Trading Hours
Mon to Fri: 8:00AM to 5:00PM Sat: 8:00AM to 4:00PM Sun: 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Trading Hours
Mon to Fri: 8AM to 5PM Sat: 8AM to 4PM Sun: 9AM to 2PM
Australian owned & operated
Australian owned
& operated
1910 - Celebrating 111 years
Celebrating 111 years
Australian owned & operated
Australian owned & operated
1910 - Celebrating 111 years
Celebrating 111 years
Ipswich Pet & Aquarium
This page is available at https://www.ipswichpetaquarium.com.au/Pets-for-Sale/Birds/Canaries.html



Price: $70.00
Lovely singing canaries
These birds will make great pets. They are friendly, 
popular for their whistling and busy personalities,
Canaries make easy but very engaging pet for all ages.
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